Rule 064 | A Unified Marriage Makes The Best Goal Line Defense

unified marriage

This week, Gerard is working overtime while Jessie decides to leave him in the dust on her next device upgrade. The Peppers try to be strategic about stress management skills, but all of the football metaphors are really upping their game.

Don’t forget that we’ll send you a letterpress print when you post a photo to social media with the tags @meetthepeppers / #marriageisfunny and just make sure to send us the screenshot before the end of 2017!

Ps. - Want to come on vacation with us? We’re headed to Mexico with some of our favorite listeners, and you can find all the info at!



  • Gerard has been working nearly around the clock and Jessie is trying to be a good sport amidst the crazy schedule. Listen to another surprisingly accurate sports reference in Episode 33, where we chat about living with chronic pain + college basketball.

  • Past birthday hurts propel most of Gerard’s decisions on taking PTO days celebrate, but everything goes out the window when he lets work-stress take over his week.

  • Being overwhelmed about work feels oddly (and unfortunately) familiar to both of the Peppers. Listen to another episode about Gerard’s perpetually crammed calendar and then hear what happens when Jessie eventually turns into a work widow.

  • Jessie has a rage black out when Gerard lapses on his husbandly-duties, but Gerard is quick to forgive because the apology was sincere.

  • Emojis and iMessages are no longer healthy elements of our communication, but hashing out our cell phone preferences has oddly seemed to help.

  • Gerard has spoken about his unhealthy cell phone relationship on the show twice before and now it’s apparent that his struggle is an annual thing.

  • Identity theft is a valid concern for Jessie (something she happens to share with this past podcast guest), but Gerard brings a dose of reality that finally gets her back on track.



  1. What is one thing that you'd like to receive more grace about from your partner this week?
  2. What are some of the actual symptoms that help you recognize when your spouse is stressed out?
  3. Which partner is more paranoid about things like identity fraud and conspiracy theories?