Rule 033 | Never Forget That You're On The Same Team

The Peppers get real about their vows and open up about the challenge of living with chronic pain. Jessie woos Gerard with some baked salmon and a basketball game, but when the going gets tough he throws her under the team bus.

If you happen to have a friend who experiences or is married to someone who has chronic health issues, would you please consider sharing this episode with them?

We're happy to pour out our hearts as a way to encourage others, and we would love your help in making sure that this show reaches exactly the right ears. 


  • A General Note: Our marriage isn’t perfect, but our commitment is real. Hear the full run-down in the first few minutes of this week’s show.
  • Jessie didn’t get invited to fill our a March Madness bracket this year, and the KU Jayhawks will probably win because of it.
  • Becky Murphy Simpson should win an ESPY for her clever YAY SPORTS t-shirt.
  • The Sweet Sixteen tournament has nothing to do with the MTV show of the  same name. (Most wives would be way more excited about watching big games if there were fireworks and fancy dresses involved.)
  • The Peppers very first Valentine’s Day together set a precedent for our sports watching habits, and now you’ll hear why Gerard has been trying to make up for it ever since.
  • Jessie pulls a "Barney Stinson" by wooing Gerard with a home-cooked meal and a half-time make-out session.
  • His and hers henleys… Are these still a thing? We should make these a thing.
  • The Jayhawks mascot is NOT the same thing as Foghorn Leghorn from Looney Tunes. The Peppers send many apologies to all of our fellow Rock Chalk fans.
  • Jessie tries to explain that there is a distinct difference between “not loving a sport” and “hating a sport.”Gerard throws Jessie under the bus when it comes to whether or not she really loves the teams that have his heart.
  • Twitter makes it a lot easier to keep up with the commentary, but nothing beats plopping down in a recliner to enjoy your favorite teams. Bonus points if you bust out the killer bean dip.
  • Do they still make TVs with picture in picture? We will check into this and report back. (Thank goodness for the ability to watch sports on our special “appy-things.”)
  • Listening to Science Mike on The Liturgists Podcast gives some helpful perspective on processing thoughts and emotions.
  • Jessie dives right in and describes what she calls The Six Layers of Chronic Pain. Her health challenges have been a part of The Peppers relationship for longer than they’ve even been married, and they're still getting used to having it as their fairly unfortunate third-wheel.
  • If you haven't met Debbie Downer from Saturday Night Live, you're in for a real "treat" and you can thank us later.
  • The book Daring Greatly by Brene Brown gives us helpful language around identifying and dealing with our emotions of shame.
  • Jessie learns that noticing patterns within her interactions with Gerard can teach her a lot about how to heal the mishaps. (No matter how annoying they may be.)
  • We assure you that Jessie has not actually ever received medical treatment from a man standing on a corner, but we cannot make any promises about the future at this point.



  1. Does your spouse have a special interest that you could blow them away by getting excited about?
  2. Have you ever pretended to be jazzed about a sporting event in order to impress a date?
  3. What brings you the most comfort when you're feeling sick or in physical pain?

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