Rule 032 | Separate Closets Are The Key To A Happy Marriage

You might already know our guests Damien + Grasie from their pop-culture status, but The Peppers simply know them as a couple of fun friends who are always loaded with laughs. Listen in as Jessie + Gerard chat with them about improv comedy, mischievous cats, and that one time when Damien got mad enough to throw a chair. 


Find Damien on Twitter / Snapchat / Instagram - @damienfahey
Find Grasie on Instagram / Snapchat / Twitter - @grasiemercedes
(+ be sure to check out her style blog for endless amounts of inspiration!)

Don't Forget: We are headed on vacation together in April and we want YOU to come with us! A group of our fabulous listeners are joining us in Puerto Vallarta next month, and we can already tell that it is going to be EPIC... We have room for just one more couple, so snag your spot and let's hit the beach.


  • The fun in the FB group included words from Mark the mailman, a fairy-godcouple that sent us on our flea market date, and FINALLY the recipe for Jessie's eggplant tacos.
  • Save the Date for our big party in Long Beach on May 29th! The Peppers will be celebrating the wrap of Season Two, and we can't wait kick off the summer together. 
  • Damien tells us what it's like to always and forever be "The MTV Guy." (Among other things!)
  • Consider this a friendly reminder that your husband might be funnier on twitter than he is in real life.
  • Being coupled-up has given this pair a serious advantage on the comedy stage. (More proof of our theory that things are better when we're together!)
  • This duo AND their friend Dave Holmes recommend iOWest for improv classes in LA.
  • The Faheys biggest fight involved a chair being thrown. But other than that, they hardly ever argue...
  • A neo-neat-freak admits she has a problem, and that is the first step. 
  • The secret to a happy marriage is most definitely keeping separate closets.
  • The collective form of the word "MY" applies to parents, weddings, bedrooms and favorite pets.
  • Cats are nearly impossible to control. Cute as they may be, having one at home is not for the faint of heart.
Dakota The Narcoleptic Cat

Dakota The Narcoleptic Cat

  • The Peppers share about how their first kitten ruined their first Christmas and simultaneously made them an official "dog family."
  • Family frames of reference can have a huge impact on marriage roles, and both couples have let strong connections with their parents be a part of their kitchen duties.
  • Snapchat Husband Shaming has to be a thing. Is it a thing?
  • Art imitates life when Peter + Lois fight for the toaster.



  1. If you had to choose one, would you be on Team Dog or Team Cat?
  2. Have you ever secretly (or not so secretly) re-done a household chore because you didn't like how your partner did it the first time?
  3. Can you think of a time when you have ever felt competitive towards your spouse? (Creatively, professionally, playfully, etc.)

Don't forget to leave us a review on iTunes, sign up for our mailing list and send us a tweet if you have something to share while you listen!