Rule 006 | Never Serve Deli Meat to a Vegetarian

A timely episode, because most summers are filled to the brim with family time, picnic sammies, and lots and lots of weekend naps.


  • Jessie powers through the latest recording sesh, despite her current "summer cold." She would like to acknowledge that this is definitely gross, and she's sorry for the nasal-y voice.

  • All the single ladies (well, two of them) send in their thoughts about the show, and we’re instantly smitten.

  • Gerard confesses to sleeping on the job. Horrible idea or brilliant strategy? Any listeners out there that feel daring enough to try this tactic?

  • Snoozers guilt is real, y’all. Justify your midday sleep sessions with our custom and compelling pro-nap research.

  • Our summer family reunion at the lake is next weekend. Impending time with our loved ones leads to the need for a concrete strategy.

  • Send us your own in-law struggles right here, and we’d love to share a bit of feedback in an upcoming episode!

  • Jessie crumbles under the pressure of a simple sandwich. What’s the protocol for a vegetarian gal who adores her meat-eating mother-in-law?

  • The secret that could unlock your next holiday trip home: Always treat your partner just like you would a dinner party guest when you bring them to spend time with your family.

  • Gerard uses a war metaphor to describe a helpful coping mechanism. This was apparently an accident, but it totally works. Ref: The Fog of War

  • As codependent as it sounds -- we always try to keep an eye on each other while at family functions, and making sure that food preferences, general activities + seating arrangements are coordinated certainly helps when it comes to feeling loved.

  • Gerard tells a LIE on the air for the first time ever... This weekend’s water balloon attacks at the lake will be documented, and Jessie will report back next week. Stay tuned.


  • Ask your partner: "How can I make you feel more welcome when we're with my family?"

  • Are you on #TeamNap or #TeamAwake? Tweet at us with your vote! (And be sure to chat about it with your partner, too.)

  • Which member of your partner's family can you commit to connecting with, the next time you see them?

DON'T FORGET TO join us in THE FB group for behind-the-scenes videos and tons of new fun friends. ;)

Happy listening, and we'll catch ya next week!!!