Rule 062 | It Only Takes One Spouse To Change A Lightbulb

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Jessie admits to a birthday wishlist that is “dirtier” than most, and Gerard is determined to wiggle out of cleaning the house. Conflict bubbles up from the home management department and both Peppers decide to toss the “honey do’s” straight into the compost pile.

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  • Jessie’s birthday wishlist is dirtier than most... Does composting count as a normal (earth-friendly) way to celebrate another year on the planet?

  • The countertop compost bin is not going to cut it (unless we add an outdoor pile as well), but a large scale version won't cut it unless we can find a way to get one on the roof.

  • We were guessing on most of the set-up process and details, but here is a handy link to some REAL know-how for Composting 101.

  • Nitrogen IS good for gardening, but carbon is why we add newspaper clippings to the pile. 

  • Gerard admits that the act of composting only sounds fun because it would make a good conversation starter.

  • Additional things that can be composted: pet hair, post-it notes, seaweed, q-tips, tea bags, fingernail clippings, leather scraps, and lint from the dryer. Who knew?! (Obviously, not us.)

  • The giant chalkboard wall (which made a cameo appearance in this lipsync video) may indeed have been the perfect solution to all of our chore-list woes.


  1. Which person is more likely to do the heavy research (or extensive review-reading) for an upcoming purchase?
  2. Do you ever make chore-lists for your spouse? Which is more effective for your family: a shared family list or a separate one for each partner?
  3. Have you ever intentionally left a task undone, in hopes that your partner would take care of it for you?