Rule 044 | Wine Glasses Are Not Meant To Be Washed By Hand

Jessie’s discomfort with the dirty dishes brings about a big admission of Gerard’s recent dishonesty. The Pepper's TV-watching habits have dredged up the importance of healthy expectations, and they both commit to being more present when they’re pressing "play" on their favorite shows.

This is the last week to grab your tickets for our next Great Love Getaway in Puerto Vallarta! Check out the sweet video from our April trip, and we can't wait to vacation with our favorite listeners on October 12th-16th, 2016.


  • Jessie and Gerard’s favorite stemware has no actual stem.

  • Whether or not we actually intend all of the puns in this episode is entirely up to your own comedic discretion.

  • This is NOT the first time we’ve covered dishes on the show, and you can listen to the last convo we had about chores right here.

  • Does anyone want to invent a subscription service that offers the monthly delivery of fresh mason jars? If so, please sign us up to be first in line.

  • Moment of silence for Jessie’s favorite coffee drinking vessels: The black orchid mug from our friend Michael Aram and a ceramic travel tumbler from Starbucks.

  • Quantico + The Americans + Master Chef are our current TV favorites... We will not stop live tweeting them so follow along with our antics here and here.

  • Kelly Dlux warned us about the perils of tweeting while watching TV together, and we are currently re-listening to his sage advice about social media from back in Episode 24.



  1. Which person in your marriage is more particular about the chores? Is there one specific chore that they absolutely will not let the other partner help with?
  2. Has your sweetie pie ever broken something that meant a lot to you? Have you ever broken something and tried to cover it up afterwards?
  3. If you could instantly morph into ONE character from any current TV show this season, who would it be and how would your spouse react?


Don't forget to leave us a review on iTunes, and send us a tweet if you have something to share while you listen!