Rule 028 | Magazine Clippings Belong In The Bathroom

In this episode, The Peppers discuss the merits of being totally fresh faced or having two-week scruff. Jessie reveals her complex system for magazine organization, and they both try to decide if they were conned by the friendliest scam artist ever.

Don't forget to leave us a review on iTunes, sign up for our mailing list and send us a tweet if you have something to share while you listen!



  • Good news for our parents…Finally: a clean episode!
  • We love hearing about your love and lives over on the private FB group. Share photos, questions, ideas, jokes and have fun getting to know the other couples in our growing fam!
  • Gerard needs to start brushing up on his Spanish, because we’re going to Mexico! He might want to start by re-listening to our conversation in Episode 18.
  • Travel-fights are NOT happening before the big trip. (We uncover why they happen back in Episode 8.)
  • Hair-removal woes are not just for women. Gerard's real question is: To beard, or not to beard?
  • Jessie comes from a long line of bad-ass moustaches, and Gerard realizes he may never live up to the hype.
  • Back in Episode 16 we talk about why "Lipstick Is The Quickest Way To Keep Away The Kisses"… (This week we learn that a few week’s scruff does the exact same thing.)
  • Gerard’s passport photo makes him look like a terrorist.
  • Jessie needs a magazine intervention. Do these exist? How do we sign her up?
  • Bon Appetit makes things like brussels sprouts and ice cubes feel way more fun.
  • The Pepper's Sunday morning routine involves fresh coffee, Meet The Press and the latest issue of Bloomberg Businessweek.
  • Sadie’s a superstar! Check out her first HGTV Magazine appearance right here.
  • Casa de Pepper is getting a NO SOLICITING sign. Do they make one that says, “Except for Girl Scout Cookies.” in tiny print at the bottom?  


  1. Do you have strong preferences around your partner’s physical appearance? Does it have anything to do with how they looked when you met?
  2. What’s your favorite bathroom reading material?
  3. Have you ever bought anything from a door to door salesperson?

Don't forget to leave us a review on iTunes, sign up for our mailing list and send us a tweet if you have something to share while you listen!